I’m Done With This Toy

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Lastest News: I’m Done with this Toy

In a room full of toys, the biggest, loudest and often strongest kids get the best toys. Even if you are playing with the toy, someone bigger is going to come by and ask if they could try, or if they are poorly raised, they will just grab it from you. You’ll get it back when one of two things happen. 

They break it or they are done with it. 

Yesterday, Rogers decided they were done playing around with their branded podcast toy Pacific Content and disposed of it. Often you need to read between the lines to figure out why this happened and perhaps Rogers wasn’t interested in directly selling three year long podcast and marketing adventures to companies when more transactional products were available in house. 

Pacific Content was one of a handful of Canadian podcast success stories that showed what could be done. Its disposal is not unique. Companies like Parcast and Gimlet Media which were bought by Spotify have been merged into Spotify Studios, and Cadence 13 has morphed into Audacy Podcasts

After 8 years of living between the two worlds of podcast and broadcast, I can tell you that broadcasting is just way easier than podcast. Podcasting is a 16 item buffet and you are given a dish that is smaller than the dinner plate but just slightly larger than the bread plate. Prepare interview, record, edit, script, produce, show notes, transcription, edit transcription, artwork and other graphics, audiogram, reels, video edit, set the stream, upload to the podcast host for release, create the episode page on the website, market on 3-5 social media platforms, write the newsletter and then exhale. And those are just the things I do for my shows. I don’t even have a Patreon account where you need to do a few of these processes for your super-users. 

And that’s why you see these broadcast companies flunk the podcast test. You really do need a small effective army of talent to execute great audio, and in order to bubble wrap it from corporate cost cutters it has to have a small staff and a chunky 30 percent profit margin. 

Expect more of the same for 2024. 


Stop putting episode numbers in the title field of your podcast. Listeners don’t say, “OMG did you hear episode 403 of the Sound Off Podcast? It was Amazing! They say – “Did you hear the Roz Weston Episode on the Sound Off Podcast it was amazing!” 

Do not give up searchable real estate… 

Speaking of which…. listen here.

Best Thing I Heard This Week…

Find Your Dream Job Podcast

I met Mac in 2016 in Chicago and had this moment where I was like… “What? There’s a Show dedicated to helping people find their dream job?” I have been recommending this to a number of people these days; especially young people who I see making mistakes when it comes to looking for work. Mac Pritchard is based out of Portland and his show started with a list… then evolved into a podcast. 

Here's an episode I found especially useful because someone told me they had applied to 100 jobs online and got little response. In short – it doesn’t work like that. Listen here.

But Wait, There’s more…

Are you looking for a video editor, podcast producer, or graphic designer?! Christy Pritchard has been doing an excellent job working for Sound Off Media & is currently taking new clients! Feel free to scope her portfolio website here. 


or to participate.