Why You Need Video For Your Podcast

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Do you need to be on YouTube to have a successful podcast? No. But it helps. A lot.

Those were the conclusions I came to last August when Jay Nachlis (Coleman Insights) and Steve Goldstein (Amplifi Media) appeared on stage at Podcast Movement in a presentation they called, “The New Rules of Podcasting”.

Yes, we can get very technical and declare that what appears on YouTube is a video and not content that comes from an RSS Feed… but that’s not the point. It’s about marketing more than it is about consumption. With every episode we produce, there is a YouTube “short” or Instagram “Reel” that presents a highlight from the show, and the full show itself. (No we have not jumped on to TikTok… and likely won’t)

Video is a subject we have wrestled with for the last couple of years at the Sound Off Media Company, and it led to us hiring Christy Pritchard from Loca Media to handle our video. Here are the end products of the episode we did with Steve.

But Wait! There's More!

Aside from the episode mentioned above, I also have another show with my podcast friends called, The Podcast Superfriends. We spoke to Jay Nachlis about the study and he shared some ideas on what is best for your podcast.

And if you don’t feel like watching an entire show – you can also skim through the transcription which you can find toward the bottom of the episode page.

Where has Matt Been?

Best Thing I Learned from a Podcast this Week

In Canada – Francophones have more sex than Anglophones.

There's simply never been a Canadian sex survey that's comprehensive, scientific and intimate all at once. For decades we've relied on data from the United States, unscientific surveys thrown together by brands around Valentine's Day or specific looks at one narrow aspect of sexuality—such as contraception or monogamy.

In her new book released today, Sex in Canada: The Who, Why, When, and How of Getting Down Up North, McMaster University sociology professor Tina Fetner examines every aspect of how we do it, who we do it with, how often and ... if it's good. As well as everything else you always wondered about your neighbours in the bedroom...

GUEST: Tina Fetner, professor, McMaster University

STOP IT. Tough love time with Matt.

You’ve heard this before: The very boring introduction someone gives to a guest on a podcast. They read their bio… highlights from their LinkedIn page… and 90 seconds later they welcome the guest onto the show. By then you have already forgotten who they are and why you are listening.

This can easily be fixed by sitting down and scripting out WHY your listener needs to spend the next 30 minutes listening to your guest. Answer the question… why do I need to listen to this? If you cannot do it – throw the episode in the garbage.

In case you’re wondering, Matt is available for voice-over work! Check the site below for demo & pricing.


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