See You in September

It's Pumpkin Spice Season!

Labour Day hit early this year. I have to admit that I wasn’t really ready for what is the real new year. This is the time of year when we re-establish our media habits, get the fantasy football team drafted, and wean ourselves from the summer that was. While this time of year carries an air of optimistic - there is also the never ending battle to pretend you don’t care about the latest pumpkin spice flavoured offering.

Pumpkin Spice Coffee GIF by Dunkin’

I hate pumpkin spice.

Over the weekend I was transported back to August 1991 when I got my first full time job doing afternoon drive in the Annapolis Valley of Nova Scotia.

When I see the memo from Dave Bannerman, I think about how awesome it is seeing great friends like Darrin Harvey, Jeff Deell and Brian Lynch also get jobs as well. We all still work in audio and radio in one form or another which is pleasing. It took an awful lot of work to get to a place to be offered that position. There was a summer of sleeping on a sofa, lots of Kraft Dinner, lots of overnights, appearances, county fairs, bingos, and learning from people who would go on to have some very successful careers.

August of 1991 was wild. There was musical change afoot. I’m sure you have seen this meme before where these 6 albums all came out within 44 days of one another. All these albums had songs on them that made you go… “What the hell is that? Play that again!”

These albums were all released within 44 days of one another. All still receive ample rock radio airplay today.

Once I was done my look into the rearview mirror, I switched to the windshield and wondered about the Gen Z’s. All the jobs listed in the memo do not exist anymore. The music they listen have all the hooks up front in the songs, there are few electric guitars getting played, and many do not have the patience to reach the hook of You Could Be Mine; let alone locate the one in Under the Bridge. Forget actually owning a physical music or being able to identify the technology used share those songs. Shared experiences be damned.

That last paragraph was truly a “things were better in my day” moment. But the question I am pondering has more to do with wanting a career enough to sleep on a sofa for it, learn to make Kraft Dinner in creative ways, and immerse oneself into another province or state two time zones over, in order to achieve what you want.

While it is incredibly noble to have a generation strive for a healthier work life balance… it’s going to be pretty tough to strike that balance if you don’t say… have any work to go to.

Now get off my lawn.

Mac Prichard is from Portland, OR and has been podcasting since 2016.

If you are looking for work and need a fresh start, Please have a listen to my episode with Mac Prichard. He is the host of “Find Your Dream Job” and we discussed ways broadcasters and media types can reach their career goals.

Where’s Matt Going?

Josh Allen Hello GIF by Buffalo Bills

Week 3 - To Buffalo. The see the Bills.

The Podcast Superfriends today at 5pm Eastern! LIVE

The Podcast Superfriends are Jon Gay, Johnny Podcasts, Catherine O’Brien, David Yas and myself. We are podcast producers and talk all things podcasting on a one hour live show monthly. Join us today at 5pm ET on my YouTube Channel, or Facebook. If you can’t catch us live - we always have it in podcast form to be enjoyed another time.

Best Thing I Heard This Week…

Sheri Lynch from the Bob & Sheri Show has been a guest on my podcast before. In fact it is the second most downloaded of all time and a very refreshing look at radio in the 2020’s. She has a podcast called True Weird Stuff which has an awesome episode about the reality TV craze from the late 90’s in Japan where a TV Network took it far too far.

I did a voiceover for Management Solutions, a largely Spanish based company. Yes, very dire copy and I’m sure the world in going to end tomorrow … act accordingly. I’ve added this video to my webpage.


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