The Truth Will Set You Free

Clowns to the Left, Jokers to the Right

Friday morning I got together with a few industry cohorts who were into the throes of a political conversation. One Democrat, the other Republican. It was refreshing to listen to a respectful 90’s style political conversation that was cordial. I got to enter the conversation and present my perspective. Those who know me are familiar with my fiscally Conservative, socially Liberal ideals. However, this is 2024 and my vote goes to whomever tells the truth.

Simply put, if your political candidate is saying things like “The Election was Stolen!”, “Jewish Space Lasers”, “The Corona Virus is under control” etc. You need to find a new one.

Bill Maher has been really good about calling out BS over the years. Whether it was on Politically Incorrect or Real Time with Bill Mahar. It is hard to lie with other truth tellers or skeptics in the room.

This brings me to the next terrible thing out there: Fake outrage surrounding the opening ceremonies of the Paris 2024 Olympics. Think what you want but rest assured that Paris 2024 did not have the worst opening ceremonies. These were.

1936 Olympics in Berlin.

Finally, this tweet by Canadian Conservative MP Don Mazier. It seems extreme and outlandish and I couldn’t let it go. So I called his office and asked for clarification on how he got the 50% increase.

The person in Dan’s office took me through the internet gymnastics to how they got the 50% increase. Where Dan’s post is false is that he should have called them “incidents”, as many of the “incidents” did not lead to criminal charges. The actual number would be 30%; all they had to do to tell the truth was scroll down.

But such is 2024 where no one checks facts and everyone sells truth, rather that “says” the truth. Maybe people prefer fake outage. Maybe people prefer to be lied to because it is easier to accept than the truth. Both are making us dumber.

Radio, Politics, History and Football

I enjoyed my chat with Rob Grant from 101.5 Today Radio in Calgary. We spoke about radio, politics, history and football. (the Global kind).


I’ve said this before but the host of Let’s Take This Outside, Mary-Anne Ivison says it again!

Best Thing I Heard This Week…

Jeff Walker from the Jeff Does Vegas podcast is calling it a day. He explains why his stopping the show after 180 episodes. Congrats Jeff. By the way, we had Jeff on on our podcast a few years back.

I am excited to the be the new Imaging voice of 93.7 The Super Q in Columbus. Ironically, this is the station where Paul Bonaquisti (Denver Wine Radio) got his start!


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